the following is an excerpt from the short story and Cypher Clique EP "Everyone is Dangerous",
a Diamond Group production
. . .
The little fairy jumps out of an elderly women’s jacket and
scurries out under the nearest train station gate.
It had been traveling with the strange lady for nearly 6 hours on an
enchanted trip to an odd part of town the small winged fairy was not familiar with.
Its first inclination was to ride with a new passenger back
to the city.
But I may get lost
even more.
...So, it decides to exit the station swiftly and carefully, as not
to be noticed, and navigate through the miles of forest that surrounded the bizarre,
desolate train stop.
The heat of
the day started to fade and the fairy found itself perched safely in a hollow
trunk hours into the forest’s wilderness.
Suddenly, 2 young children sprint past and startle the small
creature. They race through to a grassy
area that opened into a wide meadow just beyond a thick brush of trees. Their destination: the beautiful blue spring
just on the opposite end of the meadow’s boundary. 2 young children: a boy and girl whose matted
hair and scarred hands suggested they had just finished their POW* for the day. The boy tosses the handcrafted knapsack he
carried into a bright white bed of dandelions and dives headfirst into the blue
fresh water spring. The bag containing
empty gallon jugs, loose-leaf paper, books, orange peels, sheers, gloves, and
peanut shells spilled onto the ground as splashes of water fly in every
“Job, get out! We SAID we wouldn’t stay long.”
...he just ducked his head under the water and continued to
Eventually the little girl gave up and began collecting rare leaves, herbs, and spices from the nearby
foliage. She fingered through endless
patches vegetation; sniffing, snipping, and shredding whatever she needed for
her collection.
What are they doing
here by themselves, the fairy thought before scurrying over to the young
man’s knapsack and settling into its new-peanut shell flavored-home. When she figured she had enough materials
for the trip, she again pleaded with her friend.
“Job, we must leave soon.
They will close the fence once they realize we are gone. The POWs* are almost done for the
day.” He… grudgingly agrees, pulls
himself out of the water, and reaches for his two water jugs. Then he sprints over to the large fresh water
well hidden by an over arching oak tree on the other side of the meadow. After a quick climb up the tree, Job starts
trimming and manipulating flimsy tree branches until he has created what
resembles a long rope. Tying both
jugs to the end of the rope, he then slowly lowers them 10 feet below into the
well. The little girls sits patiently
waiting for him to finish and counting her catch for the day at the same. damn.
time. Once Job has finished, he grabs
his knapsack with the gentle fairy tucked neatly inside, and they both start to
exit the wide grassy meadow-- just when a hefty *POW officer strolls out in the
opening. The officer’s face was covered
by his intricate combat headgear and his fist; curled tightly around a shiny
black handgun.

“Hello, we are from the Nikopol township part of the greater West settlement. My name is –” the little girl started before
the officer motioned for her to stop.
His helmet speaker
vocalizes, “One at a time. What are your district codes?”
The little girl speaks up first. “ 1 – 9 – 7 – 1 –
1 ”
The numbers light up across the front of his headgear as she recites her
township’s designed district and postal code.
“ 1 – 9 – 9 – 0 –
4 ” Job announces next.
A quiet pause resonates through the mid evening air as the numbers register across the cop's helmet. The speaker chants again:
“That district code is not permitted in this region, or beyond zone 12-122...”
The officer then
quickly raises his firearm and fires two bullets into the little boy’s fragile chest
and he collapses to the ground lifelessly, leaving two gallons of beautiful
blue water to trickle across the grassy meadow's surface and back into the elegant spring from which it came.
now *only available through purchase.
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