I love the blog. It's raw as relationship sex. It's unfiltered like Flint water. It's lit like underage drinking. But sometimes I neglect it. Life gets hectic. But when I do blog... It's raw as unprotected...
Remember the show we had with Tory Lanez back in December? It was a wonderful show... We got a lot of good feedback. PSMG Radio decided they wanted to interview us based off our show performance. Fuck what you're hearing out hear. Cypher Clique performs the best out here. Anything else is blasphamy. Don't believe in these false prophets. They're a lie like the end of an adverb. Cypher Clique doesn't rap over there vocals... Cypher Clique looks the crowd in the eyes... Cypher Clique doesn't perform at Bubbas or pay to perform...
The District was just some shit we had to get out of our system. Now it's trouble season. The next wave of music "Love The Universe" on steroids. It's The Thirst Tape on crack. It's like The City but less shitty. Beautiful Music For Beautiful People.