Thursday, March 19, 2015

Welcome to the Spring

Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo spring officially starts tomorrow and I decided to hit the good people with a blog. The very very very next blog will probably have a pre-order link for the next cypher clique project dropping mid-June (and free tank tops... We're givin' out free clothes all summer.)

[I wrote all of this on a note and left it on my mom's nightstand next to this baby picture.

I am the greatest student to ever graduate from a graduate research program at the university of Delaware.

I'm the first student to never buy a physical copy of a textbook during a graduate research program at the university of Delaware

I'm the swaggiest student in the history of graduate research at the university of Delaware.

I'm the first student to inexplicably move from Newark to Dewey Beach in the middle of a graduate research program at the university of Delaware, 

I'm the only student to ever take the summer off and work for other graduate research programs during my time in a graduate research program at the university of Delaware.

I thought about Camden, NJ everyday as a graduate student at the university of Delaware.

I proved to every one on the coast that I know more Mathematics than anyone should be able to handle while at a graduate program at the university of Delaware.

I was the only former collegiate athlete in any of my graduate research classes at the university of Delaware.

I'm the waviest Graduate student in the history of the university of Delaware. 


At the bottom of the note I wrote:]

Mom I love you,

But there's no way in hell I'm walking at another graduation

- Erich "


Welcome to the Spring...

Thursday, March 5, 2015

The Knicks Tape ft Sam Delaghetto (prod. Tribe Beats)

My youth got me thinking I can make music forever

Download Now On Soundcloud 

Part of growing up is realizing that not as many people love you as you originally thought. They might show you conditional love when it's beneficial but that's not real love. That's why self love is so necessary. They can call it narcissistic if they want but I'll never let myself down.

No Handout for the 2015No Excuses for the 2015No Mediocrity for the 2015

I haven't seen some of my oldest friends since last year... Don't feel offended if you don't see me as much. I swear any free time is spent with yall. But I'm working my ass off right now. Getting on FireFly is cool but the amount of expectations now increases. Everything has to be better. To get better you have to focus and think. It's hard to focus and think with drunk dudes and beautiful women around. Great for inspiration but terrible for brainstorming. I love (some) of yall

I can't stress it enough when I talk about Cypher Clique. We've never had a manager or booking agent. Everything we've ever accomplished was done by no one but us. S/o to the plugs but all the plugs went through us directly. There's no asshole getting 15% from us. It was all us. No matter if we were 17 or 23 we handled all of our music business internally.

My tape did over 2k in less than a week. So why is your tape under 100 downloads after a whole year?

"Watch how many people come out of nowhere and try to be by your side" - Jadakiss (2004)

I'm aware of the crabs in the bucket as well... I'm aware of the shade coming from people that live on a street called mediocrity. I just can't acknowledge it. There's too much going on elsewhere. There's not enough time to spare. We gotta get these tracks out. Slowing down to explain a process that's been running since 2007 would be a waste of time.

I've been touring the east coast with Cypher Clique for a half a decade. I performed in my first show before I had my first drink. We used to get dropped off at the studio because we were too young to drive. You new niggas start rapping because you got cut from the basketball team.

Time Is Your Biggest Enemy 

Music is similar to sports in a few ways. In both music and sports there are people that are born with the gift and people that learn the skill. I'd say only 5% of people are born with the gift. The other 95% have to study the craft to get better. There's no way you discover your gift after the age of 18. That means it's more than likely a skill. If that's the case you started trying to enhance your skills dumb late in the game. If that's the case you should probably start focusing harder than the artists that started ten years ago to keep up.

Go to asap like Rocky.

I hope everyone around me strives for excellence. There's no reason to be satisfied with anything else. If you're around me or in my camp this year you better keep up. Everyone has to kill shit. I'll have no problem cutting wack shit off this year. Work hard or talk shit.