After you're gone, there will be someone else there to inspire the music...
D-Major delivers a uniquely smooth production for another introspective and lyrically laced Winter track entitled "It's Only Cold in Denver", a record from the forthcoming release of Cypher Clique's 3rd project in a calendar year, The District ...
Couple random highlights before I release the guest blog;

- We can't get mad at the little shit Johnny Manziel does when Lawrence Taylor did coke with a 16 year old prostitute
- The pettiest shit I do with my life nowadays is randomly text one of my exes "I know what you've been doing out here, I've got my ear to the streets..."
- Your military money can't save you once those club lights come on and the real games begin
- After you're gone, there will be someone else there to inspire the music
- Some of you have been living with your parents since the 20th century
- (think about that last one for like 4-5 seconds)
- Your relationship is so strong because your girlfriend comes to Dewey twice a week in the summer
Written by: anonymous
“I’ll never get shitted on because I’ll never care. Once you start treating me like you are aware of these things everything we do and say will be a lot realer.”
Until recently I always thought of his logic as absurd. Now, I sit here in Aww of how innovative he really was.
There once was a time were snapchat and screenshots never existed, a time of the sauré.. Many beautiful women from all over the state would rally, in hopes to sip with a few of the top 10 men of Delaware. One in which, I would never forget. He was the mastermind behind it all.. Only a few were in on his plans, and the rest of us were just “putty”. I was brought to him and his men by a green eyed woman in who’s beauty seared through their souls. She had the power to isolate the weak and give them will to do what ever her heart desired; they called her “The Chosen One”.
My first encounter with part of the supremacy (not to be mistaken with the the top 10) and their chosen one was an honor I had literally slept on. They had all sat in a circle and conversed of many things… Their commentary was raw and uncut; No one I’ve ever met had spoke of such heresy. I quickly identified the voice, the man who spoke of such obscure things, they had called him Mic Anthony. Mic Anthony had the gift to speak what most people thought but feared to say. After an intriguing hour passed, I was put in a deep sleep with the herbal medicine they had provided. Not having much memory of that night, I thought to myself I must surround myself with these people!
A month or so went by and the chosen one had brought me to an event where I was to be introduced to a few more members of the supremacy. Not many that I didn’t recognize before stood out, but he did. He was to be identified as the record holder, and later as the mastermind behind it all. He had much sway over the group at the time and so he approached me with questions, questions that would determine if I was worthy to be around him and his men. I had a pure mentality that the record holder admired; he was so pleased that he gave me the web key where I would learn more about the supremacy and their past. I had learned that they had been hosting soirées for many years, and so a revolution referred to as “The Bush Administration” came about. The record holder never went into great detail about this dark time, and so I don’t know very much but what has came from it. Which brings me to rule number
1. Monogamy isn’t for everybody
Eventually I got to spend time with the record holder with out the sears permission. One of the very first things he had expressed was that he would never marry. He said that he’s seen someone get cheated on every weekend since The Bush Administration. At that moment I decided that we would never see eye to eye and to steer clear of his pursuits.
Unlike traditional scribes, the record holder was rarely ever silent. You could always find him competing for the rooms attention with Mic Anthony. As I sat on the kitchen counter top silently, I took a drink of the infamous Carlos de Rossi listening to the two of them go back and forth. I then looked over to see the scribe withdrawal, and suddenly the voice had filled the room. The record holder then took the opportunity to approach me for the very first time after our initial meeting. With his back blocking off the rest of the function he had asked how I had been, I responded nonchalantly “good” still engrossed in the voice’s discussion. Taking the initiative once again, the scribe had struck up a more stimulating conversation branching off one that had already been discussed. Not even five minutes had passed before the Sears green eyes had started to light up. She had deaded our conversation quickly and we all returned our focus. “Stay away from him”, she whispered.
Months had went passed and the leaves that were once so colorful had fallen and turned to dust as the ice cold winter was approaching.
Disregarding the Sears warning, the scribe and I had formed a close bond. He had asked me to make an appearance at the upcoming soirée, and so I had asked the sear to accompany me. The chosen one happily declined my offer for she had made many enemies during the bush administration and foresaw the night ending disastrous.
2. Too many bitches can definitely be a problem
“If you run out of shit to talk about with bitches or someone hand them a drink or say take a shot.”
I don’t remember much, but I remembered Princess Leah welcoming the guest at the door. She was sweet and cheerful (as a princess should be) and had a glass of carlos in hand. I and my plus one had walked in to the soiree to see an array of dress. “Is this a soirée or an ugly christmas party?” my guest I had asked, but before I could answer Mic Anthony came over on a mission and handed us a drink......
In 2013 my alter ego was Swaggy McPeterson....
2014 it was Wavy McNally...
2015 luco di'blazio
& I'm announcing now for the first time to a whole bunch of people who don't give a fuck: in 2016 my alter ego will be known as DJ McRandolph
The District // February 12th, 2016 //